Description:Enter the lab and develop your own user scenarios for Plague Inc. with this powerful yet user-friendly tool. Create new epidemics, worlds, events and more and share them with friends and over 85 million other players!
IMPORTANT: This app is designed to create user scenarios for Plague Inc. It is not a game! You need the original Plague-Inc. game to play scenarios. To install the original game visit: www.plagueinc.com
The Plague Inc: scenario maker is a powerful yet user-friendly content creation tool that allows players to make their deadliest ideas come true by developing / editing their own user scenarios for Plague Inc. and then sharing them with the world.
◈◈◈ Go to the limits of your creativity and imagination
Do you want to create a cat pandemic, an infectious political mem, or an alien parasite that explodes people’s minds? How about a government that evacuates the population of Madagascar to the moon, a YouTube star that turns people into zombies, or a travel agency that makes hundreds of flights to Greenland every day? Maybe you just want to know how a disease spreads in real life …
With the Plague Inc: scenario maker you can do all this and much more! Let your creativity run wild and show the world your wonderful / corrupt / peculiar / eerie creations.
Enter powerful developer labs
The creator contains five laboratories, each of which has its own focus. You can choose which one you would like to use for a specific scenario:
# Core Lab: Edit the core information of the scenario, write background stories, set up Siege conditions, edit translations, and more.
# Disease Lab: Develop your own plague with unique values and personalized symptoms, abilities and modes of transmission.
# World laboratory: control country characteristics such as population, climate, budget for health care and flight routes.
# Government Laboratory: Indicate the measures governments take against your disease. Work on existing measures or create new ones.
# Events Lab (Advanced Users): Create the game-changing events and story pop-ups for your scenario using powerful scripting tools.
App Title: Plague Inc Scenario Creator
File Name: Plague-Inc-Scenario-Creator-1.0.4-(Full)-.APK
Version: 1.0.4
File Size: 81.6 MB
Supported Android Version: Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0–4.0.4)- Jelly Bean(4. 1–4.3.1)- KitKat (4.4–4.4.4)- Lollipop (5.0–5.0.2)- Marshmallow (6.0)- nougat (7.0)
Released Date: April 26, 2017
Author: Ndemic Creations
Play.Google Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ndemiccreations.scenariocreator
Plague Inc Scenario Creator 1.0.4 (Full) APK
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